Hello! I am Cristina.

I am a not-so-recent graduate of Tufts University.

I was born in Arequipa, Peru, grew up in the Washington, D.C. suburbs, and traveled through the Northeast for most of my young adulthood. 

If you ask me how I got here–I would mention a long-winded story of humorous mishaps, favorable circumstances, and unsparing tragedies.

Now, I am navigating potential career moves and implementing initiatives for new beginnings. I try hard not to lose track of what matters to me, so I continue seeking new opportunities all around me to learn and collaborate. I have various industry experience, ranging from Translation to Feminist-based Initiatives to Higher Education, so I have a better idea of what I want to do nowadays.

If you want to collaborate or talk, please message me directly via email.

Also, if you want to see some of my past projects from school, please click below!